Maitreya through Alexandria Walsh-Roberts - 4 May 2000 - Kent, England.

Beloved ones I am the Buddha Maitreya. At this frequency, at this time we call upon you for one closing service and this service we ask is that you hold the tool of compassion beloved ones, and through the changes that you are experiencing, and that you will continue to experience, you do not allow this tool to clatter and drop and fall upon the ground.

Through all of the changes, beloved ones, do not stop loving. For understand that the transmutations that are occurring are the greatest love of all — the re-expression of that which is limited to that which is glowing, that which is radiance, that which is lightedness. Therefore feel the waves of compassion beloved ones and understand that it is not to feel sorry for your fellow soul nor your planet but it is indeed to rejoice in the perfection that is simply behind the veil of densified energy. It is there beloved ones. Therefore it is to see through the veil and indeed to celebrate the perfection. And as it is celebrated, it is so.

Think of compassion as the tool of focus to see through that which is the veil of densified energy. Think of compassion as the commitment to choose to look through that veil. Celebrate the perfection, for it is so. Celebrate the perfection, it is so.

Meditation for This Month

This guided meditation was created especially for you to gain maximum benefit from the energies of this month. Download now, create your favourite form of sacred space, and feel the difference.

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Featured Meditation

We're featuring this meditation of special interest - Meditation Group In November 2012 on occasion of Total Solar Eclipse. Download and listen - experience being in the group during the Guided Meditation, and hear the guidance from Higher Realms exactly as it was channelled through at the event.

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