JULY 2013 StarForce by Alexandria

Harness the Healing Forces of the Stars in your life.
CANCER(June 22-July 21)

The abundant spirit of Jupiter calls on you from 26th but Mercury turning retrograde may mean you don’t hear the doorbell. So if you don’t want to become cast in a comedy of errors chasing opportunities that are always just around the corner, then calm down. Jupiter is here to stay for quite a while so make him comfortable and be sure to listen, rather than worry about what he’s going to say.

Angel of the month: Trust

LEO(July 22-Aug 23)

You want to look after those around you this month but with Jupiter changing signs into the creative and unpredictable sign of Cancer, you feel less confident than normal. So why not wait until after 26th for some help from Venus? Or better still, wait until Saturn goes direct on 8th so you can feel the support and wisdom of your Higher Self.

Angel of the month: Unconditional Giving

VIRGO(Aug 23-Sept 22)

If, during June, Mercury struck a nerve rather than a cord in you, this is a month to lie low and enjoy your space. With ego promoting the control freak in you and your heart telling you to detach, squabbles could result until Mercury moves into your corner after 26th. Therefore embrace a soothing Venus so you can process your abundance, even if it comes from the most unlikely places.

Angel of the month: Detachment

LIBRA(Sept 23-Oct 23)

Strength and balance are your most needed qualities in July. If you found things hectic last month then take some time off from 22nd-3rd when Saturn moves forward and you have more pieces in your spiritual puzzle. Then from 16th onwards, you’ll feel more confident about your intentions and your level of fulfillment.

Angel of the month: Appreciation

SCORPIO(Oct 23-Nov 22)

An introspective Neptune is encouraging you to look within for answers this month. If you can, you’ll be able to improve your creation skills by being more honest about what you think you aren’t capable of. Sound bizarre? Well if you can recycle your self doubt, you’ll stop standing in your own way and make heaps of progress.

Angel of the month: Transformation

SAGITTARIUS(Nov 23-Dec 21)

You could be all loved up this month if you have time to invest in your home and the softer side of life. Cancerians might be a little too clingy or dull for you but Jupiter, your Ruler, has just arrived in Cancer. So perhaps you can fall in love with the gentle genius of the Goddess and discover that Cancerians have a whole new way to party!

Angel of the month: Honesty

CAPRICORN(Dec 22-Jan 19)

Friendship is really important to you this month. However Cancer is inviting you to a whole new circle of friends which you might feel at not your type. So before you let ego logic talk you out of expansion, remember this is no time to be a stick in the mud. You’ve been asking for something different and just because Cancer is your opposite sign doesn’t mean you can’t make a perfect unity together.

Angel of the month: Realisation

AQUARIUS(Jan 20-Feb 18)

Jupiter’s movement into Cancer on 26th makes you feel nervous as financial foundations become more fluid and projections and plans are already outdated. Mercury’s movement into retrograde will seem to complicate matters further until you realise it’s your fears of the future that you need to deal with. When you’ve looked closely at these, everything will shift and ego’s negative drama will subside.

Angel of the month: Healing

PISCES(Feb 19-Mar 20)

Moving forward in July will be founded on your ability and desire to embrace healing time with yourself. Many Pisces find spending time with themselves difficult but Jupiter will reward your efforts to go within and you’ll be able to make decisive changes on 1st and 8th if you talk things over with your Higher Self.

Angel of the month: Inner Knowing

ARIES(Mar 21-April 20)

You could confuse strength for force in July when you feel strongly about certain situations but your inner zealot ends up ramming the point home. With Jupiter moving into Cancer and Saturn moving direct, much of your frustration and force will get drowned out. So why not choose to let go on 1st so the universe can help you clarify with patience?

Angel of the month: Letting Go

TAURUS(April 21-May 20)

Although you might find the sign of Cancer a bit wishy-washy this month, you’ll be wise to let previous assessments be cleansed in a sudden but important downpour on 30th. Two and two will certainly add up to more than you bargained for on 7th so why not cooperate with Cancer and spontaneously go with the flow, rather than get stuck in the mud with a past you can’t change.

Angel of the month: Expansion

GEMINI(May 20-June 21)

Much of what you hoped for might be delayed in July but there’ll be other experiences that are spiritually and materially just as beneficial. Unfortunately your ego may try to drag you into disappointment on 5th. Therefore, allow everything to come together and your patience will be rewarded on 13th with new friendships and a new direction.

Angel of the month: New Light

Meditation for This Month

This guided meditation was created especially for you to gain maximum benefit from the energies of this month. Download now, create your favourite form of sacred space, and feel the difference.

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Featured Meditation

We're featuring this meditation of special interest - Meditation Group In November 2012 on occasion of Total Solar Eclipse. Download and listen - experience being in the group during the Guided Meditation, and hear the guidance from Higher Realms exactly as it was channelled through at the event.

Click to Download